Disha Shur

Purdue University

I started a PhD in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University, where I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Professor David Gleich. I am broadly interested in the low-dimensional representation of structured data which also spans developing localized and fast frameworks.

I obtained an undergraduate background in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, and dabbled with Electromagnetic imaging and 5G communication for a while before changing fields to graph representation learning for my master’s. While still in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, I worked with Prof. Gleich for my master’s as well where we worked on PageRank embedding.

Before starting my master’s, I briefly worked with Professor Anisur Molla on distributed algorithms.


Aug 15, 2022 I officially started a PhD in Computer Science!!!
Aug 15, 2022 I will be a TA for CS573 Data Mining with Professor Rajiv Khanna
Apr 18, 2022 I defended my master’s thesis. You can find the slides here and the thesis here. Lemme know what you think!
Feb 17, 2022 I will be joining Purdue CS as a PhD student in the Fall!
Sep 16, 2021 Got into Google Research Mentorship programme.

Selected Publications

  1. arXiv
    A flexible PageRank-based graph embedding framework closely related to spectral eigenvector embeddings
    Shur, Disha, Huang, Yufan, and Gleich, David F.
  2. SSS
    Smoothed Analysis of Leader Election in Distributed Networks
    Shur, Disha, and Molla, Anisur Rahaman
    International Symposium on Stabilizing, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2020
  3. PIERS
    Two Dimensional Microwave Imaging Using a Divide and Unite Algorithm
    Shur, Disha, K, Yaswanth, and Khankhoje, Uday K.
    2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Fall (PIERS-FALL) 2017